✓ Find that your current time-tracking tool creates extra work for you?

✓ Work on a mixture of routine and creative tasks?

✓ Pull work tasks from multiple sources, e.g. inboxes, messaging systems?

✓ Need to prioritize your work?


✓ Need to work deeply, but want updates on your team's progress too?

✓ Struggle to get everyone's hours submitted on deadline?

✓ Want to keep teammates informed without resorting to more meetings?

✓ Have knowledge workers or creatives on your team?



Try it free for 30 days.

No credit card required. Just download, create a username and password, and start ‘casting.



The more “yes” answers to the above questions, the more you’ll get out of Daycast. That’s because we built Daycast to address the needs of individuals and teams whose work requires deep focus and purposeful prioritization and whose existing time tracking methods tend to undermine one or both of those requirements.

If that's you, ask yourself what you could accomplish if:

  • You worked from a central day plan rather than hopping from inbox to inbox throughout the day

  • You gave more of your time to what’s most valuable and less to what’s newest or noisiest

  • You could track your time—task by task—in the same place you planned it

  • You didn’t have to interrupt your work or theirs to know what your teammates were working on

With Daycast, all of that is within reach.

You could be getting more from your days.

Daycast was born from our frustration with the time-tracking tools we tried. They created additional work for us and interrupted the very focus we needed to deliver our best work.

There had to be a better way!

After much trial and error, we created a desktop day-planning application that incorporates easy, one-click time tracking—that way, we could simply log in and out of the tasks in our day plans as we worked. The result? Not only did time tracking go from an exercise in frustration to a seamless, behind-the-scenes solution, but our ability to prioritize the important over the urgent got significantly easier once we began working from Daycast rather than inboxes and alerts. And since we have an unfettered view of each other’s day plans in Daycast, we interrupt each other less while staying more informed.

We get more from our days now. You can too. Here’s how.

